prayers for divorce healing and prayers for divorce relief

Prayers for Divorce Healing

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A Prayer for Relief after Divorce

“Dear God,” I started. 

From there I wailed uncontrollably. I had no words. 

This was me my first few months after divorce. I lacked the language to pray. You see, my pain sat on me like a scavenger bird sat on its prey. Its massive talons gripped me with all its strength, leaving me breathless. Focused on the pain, I could not see the forest for the trees. 

Instead I read prayers.

I read blogs with prayers for divorce healing

I whispered the prayers of David in the psalms: “You are my God; have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long. Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you” (Psalm 86: 2–4, NIV). 

I read prayers in books: “Heal me. Renew me. Restore me. Elevate me. Bless me. Teach me. Love me” (Kristin Armstrong in Happily Ever After: Walking with Peace and Courage Through a Year of Divorce)

When I caught my breath, I prayed short prayers: “God, help!” or simply “Jesus.” 

Then I saw the forest—the bigger picture—and my words returned. My prayers became like a ladder, as Henry Nouwen said, where I “descend into the heart and ascend to God.” I cleared space in my cluttered mind for God to dwell. I filled that space with His presence. 

woman in field praying for divorce healing and divorce relief

I prayed long prayers for divorce relief: 

“Jesus, I pray that I always offer forgiveness, four hundred and ninety times a day, if needed (Matthew 18:21–22, KJV). As I pursue peace, let me, with love, set my gaze forward. I wish to offer the gift of forgiveness wholeheartedly, without reservation. Let me remember all humanity is flawed. Cause me to allow for people’s differences and not allow any vindictiveness to fester within. Help me not to ‘hate [my] brother in [my] heart’ (Leviticus 19:17, KJV). If I hate, I cannot live a wholehearted life. It affects my salvation, my health, and my well-being. Let me look to heroes of the faith, like Joseph who forgave his brothers for the atrocities they committed against him. When Joseph could have punished his brothers, he chose forgiveness and love instead. Help me to see that inflicting pain on others never soothes my wounds. I pray that I exhibit Your grace, mercy, and forgiveness in adversity. May ‘all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from [me], along with all malice’ (Ephesians 4:31, ESV). Help me put bitterness far from me. May I humble myself through forgiveness just like You did, Jesus. I look to You as I move forward. In Jesus name, amen.”

It’s OK if you can’t find the words to pray. On those hard days, read a prayer and offer it up as your own. Afterall, Jesus instructed us to read His prayer in Matthew 6:9–13.

If you are interested in additional prayers for healing from divorce, find them here in Hello New Life


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