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5 Ways to Introduce Peace into Your Morning Routine

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To find peace amid unrest, I follow the same rules I use for creating. Since I find the creative process extremely difficult and unnatural, I have rules set in place to help me create. When I begin writing, a million other activities vie for my attention (e.g., cleaning under the stove, shining the sinks, making cookies, eating chocolate chips straight from the bag, etc). The list goes on.

To create I must train my brain to maintain a measure of focus; I use this same process to maintain peace in my life amid unrest. Here’s how I start that process:

5 Ways to Introduce Peace in Your Morning Routine

  1. I thank God daily for His Spirit in my life. (See Acts 2:38, 39.)
  2. I anoint my head with oil as I pray. OK, so I just started this routine with COVID-19 invading the United States. I ask God to anoint my mind for the task at hand. As a writer I want to be productive during this time of unrest. I have several projects I’m moving forward on. One includes fiction: I’m 30,000 words into my first fiction writing project, and I love how it is shaping up. Here’s a sneak peak:
    1. Let me introduce you to Maddie, the protagonist. Maddie is placed in witness protection after her father—a pilot—disappears. As fiction goes, she fixes her problems the wrong way (until she learns the theme), then she fixes her problems the right way. I guide her from Emotional Point A (she’s a mess but doesn’t know it) through to Emotional Point B (she finds peace). She overcomes entitlement and various flaws. (Trust me she has many more flaws to overcome.) I will incorporate my own travels around the world: London, Paris—especially Paris and Notre Dame, Italy, Scandinavia, Budapest, the Middle East, Hawaii, DC, and NYC.
  3. I write in my gratitude journal. I can only write/create from a thankful heart. Right now I approach work tasks with the same thankfulness.
  4. I breathe in fresh air. Sometimes it’s just standing on my balcony for a few minutes; although on the days I walk around my neighborhood, my brain is better engaged.
  5. I meditate on Scripture for five minutes before I write. (Consider Psalm 29:11, 34:14; Jeremiah 29:11; John 14.) Often I listen to this audio on YouTube as I’m cooking, driving to work, and falling asleep.

After I make my way through this list, I start to write; after I follow this routine, I feel peace.

How to Avoid Introducing Turmoil into Morning Routines

Peace during COVID-19 Outbreak SEO

  1. I avoid Facebook, Instagram, email and news outlets first thing in the morning. My mornings are reserved for creating.
    • FYI, I am staying informed. Currently I allow myself to check these outlets two times daily. (I watch the president’s news briefings.) If I miss something important (like free coffee), please feel free to message me.
    • Recently I broke this rule. I opened Facebook at 6 am and a post nearly ruined my morning and caused the worst case of longing—I’ll call it a mild case of coveting. Coveting, I’m sure, begins with comparison. I compared my current moment to the person’s tiny snapshot of his/her life. It made me crabby and my work difficult. Until I remembered one of my other cardinal rules for life: Name that emotion. It began here: jealousy.
      • It ended here: I opened my thankfulness journal and began writing. Near disaster averted.
  2. Don’t ruminate all day, every day. OK, if you have to worry (How incredibly human of you!), schedule a time to worry. Read what Gretchen Rubin has to say about scheduling a time to worry here.

And that’s my to-do and not-to-do list for coping with the stress of COVID-19 and introducing peace in my morning routine. (Oops, one addendum: I prescribe Pride and Prejudice—the book or the movie—to myself pro re nata (PRN)—a medical term for as needed. The following quote might be among my favorites: “What are men to rocks and mountains?” Reminder to self: enjoy creation today.)

Dear reader, I write to encourage you to reach out amid turmoil. It’s easy to feel alone during these times, but remember we all share in this same story that is unfolding; we are not alone. I gain comfort from this knowledge.

Find Grit and Fortitude amid Unrest

Lastly, find grit and fortitude. Our grandparents and great-grandparents feasted on a steady diet of grit and fortitude.

How you are coping with the stress of COVID-19? What measures are you taking to maintain peace in your life?




Resources and Links

Grab a copy of my book Hello New Life here.

For books on healing: Check out my Pinterest board.





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